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A semi-secret society defending
against a totally secret threat.

The biggest threat we face worldwide today is an unseen one. It permeates everything we do, from walking down the street to residing in our schools, homes, cars, and jobs. Technology is everywhere - even invisible or intangible places. Society uses technology to enrich our lives, businesses, and infrastructure. While there is no such thing as “bad” technology, there are bad actors who leverage the digital world to do their nefarious bidding. The other more common vulnerability is the human factor; most people have not been educated appropriately on protecting themselves or their businesses.

This sacred place known as the Neon Temple consists of those who have spent decades knowing and using technology to protect people, businesses, and our nation. We bring together subject-matter experts, industry-leading technology companies, government initiatives, students, and talented practitioners with the common goal of protecting our future.

Our community - both together and throughout our individual careers - have put tens of thousands of hours into mastering our craft. We’ve operated in relative obscurity…

Until now.



guild -/gild/ noun:

an association of craftspeople organized to maintain standards and to protect the interests of its members.

The Guild is a community of the best cybersecurity practitioners today. We’ve come together to change the industry and defend what’s important.

The community you wanted

but never knew existed.